Stewed Pork with Cranapple Lambic BBQ Sauce.

Think for a moment and believe that you can make some crazy good food with what you have in your fridge. Yesterday I had more of the Country Style spare ribs because they are always going on bogo, some decently good red ale which I reviewed on my other blog, some more ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, various spices, and some Cranapple Juice. Then I just started to experiment. Here are the things that I used...feel free to mess around with it as you see fit.

6 Country Style Spare Ribs
2 1/2 cups of Cranapple Juice
2 12oz bottles of Ale
1/2 cup of Vinegar (Balsamic and Apple Cider are good for this one)
1/2 cup Ketchup
1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Horseradish Mustard
1/4 cup White Sugar
1/4 cup Apple Sauce
2 tbsp Honey
2 dashes of lemon juice
2 dashes of Hot Sauce
BBQ seasoning
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Black Pepper
Kosher Salt

The first thing that I think about when I'm going to stew meat with a sauce is that I will stew it in a brine that consists of some of the same flavors that the sauce is going to have so that the sauce and the meat marry with some major flavor punch. This recipe will blow your mind. I like for my taste buds to do some crazy tumble runs when I cook so I like to build some very rich flavor profiles. Don't follow this too closely. Like I said, experimentation is something that you will want to do in the kitchen. I like to fix meals early in the day and let them cook over time so I'm not standing in the kitchen for an hour making a good meal. The prep time for this takes maybe 10 minutes. Then 30 minutes before you plan to get the side dishes ready unless you make instant sides. I made oven fries and steamed asparagus. Choose what you want to do.

Use 2 cups of Cranapple Juice first off and mix in some black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, 2 dashes of hot sauce, 3 dashes of Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 dash of lemon juice and start to heat over a stove for about 5 minutes on low heat. Preheat the oven to 250 and line your cooking pot with the pork strips. Add sugar and stir into the hot liquid until disolved and mix in 1/4 cup of horseradish mustard, and 1 tbsp of honey. Make sure it is all dissolved and pour the very thin liquid over the top of the strips. Pour 1 1/2 bottles of beer on top of the brine and ribs, put a top of the pot, and put into the oven. Set aside the remaining half of bottle of beer for your sauce. Your going to stew the meat in the oven for about 5 hours. The idea with this is to cook the meat low and slow and it will be very tender and fall apart when you get it out of the oven. Around 30 minutes before you eat, your going to mix your sauce. In a pot on Medium high heat your going to mix the ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, vinegar, apple sauce and spices that I put into the list together and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of cranapple juice and the other half of beer into the thick sauce and let it simmer for another 10 minutes and reduce on medium heat until the sauce is of medium viscosity. Remove from heat and let the sauce marry down. Pour sauce into a squeeze bottle and put onto pork once plated. Once you remove the pork from the brine, it will tear apart. There's no need for a knife just use two forks to break it apart. This stuff is great. Just make sure you bring your appetite and maybe a bib because like any good dish it is a little messy.


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